The ‘Journey’, International Summer School

Today we talked at the International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC about how to handle the challenges caused by ecological treats, climate changes and war/conflict in specific areas. We shared our experiences from the Famagusta Ecocity Project with those international postgraduates and young professionals to inspire them to tackle these grand scale problems. We would like to thank Dr. Stelios Yiatros for inviting us.

International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC


International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC
International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC
International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC
International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC
International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC
International Summer School, the ‘Journey’, organised by The Cyprus University of Technology with Climate-KIC

What is  Climate-KIC?

“The Largest EU public-private initative to tackle the consequences of Climate change  KIC stands for Knowledge Innovattion Community and is effectively a Europe-wide network comprising universities, corporates, SMEs and startups aiming to tackle the hardest challenge of all: mitigate or adapt to the consequences of Climate Change through education, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Climate-KIC focuses on 4 (some-mes overlapping) themes: Urban Transi-ons (UT), Sustainable Land Use (SLU), Sustainable Produc-on Systems (SPS) and Decision Metrics & Finance (DMF).

Climate-KIC runs educa-onal ac-vi-es such for postgraduates and young professionals like the Journey as well as short masterclasses and week long courses for members of its community and other local and regional stakeholders. It also runs innovation programmes for R&D projects of different readiness levels to market (e.g. demonstrator, accelerator and scaler programmes) and idea-on and accelera-on programmes for green startups, such as ClimateLaunchpad which has been organised in Cyprus by Chrysalis LEAP.” »Source

Brief info for CKIC Journey CY6_Page_6.jpg


»More about the Journey summer school

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