National Architecture Students meeting 8.5


5-9 July  2004

Eastern Mediterranean University/ Faculty of Architecure


Theme of the Meeting: ‘Arkitopya’

National Architecture Students Meetings, which was organized by architecture students from Turkey and Cyprus, took place between 5th – 9th July 2004 in the Northern Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Architecture. After the 1st Students’ Meeting which took place 1993 summer in Gokceada, has been started to organized under the title of “National Meeting of Architecture Students” by the students of Gazi University Department of Architecture in 1997.

Gathering in the summer of 1993, starting with architecture students Imbros meetings, in 1997 by, under the name began to be organized. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Architecture students, in the summer of 2003, focused on alternative education processes during their meeting in their 7th Meeting organized by Middle East Technical University. For the 8.5th meeting, EMU Faculty of Architecture students have determined the theme of the meeting as ‘Arkitopya’. The oragnization committee mentioned that they want to find answers to questions in this regard are as follows:

– What we have in our minds as the architects of the future?
– Utopias: Are they really a figment of the imagination or the mirror of the truth?
– Why do they always focuses on the architectural past, but what about the future, who will think of it?
– Architectural approaches in the movies: Are they really too far from us?

Ceren Boğaç, a PhD student  in the Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean Universitywas invited to the international students’ meeting 8.5 which was done in Eastern Mediterranean University. She gave one hour lecture about her utopist project ‘Crash: Birth of the Brutal City’ to the architecture students.

Watch the presentation


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