Famagusta’s Voices: Advocating for Peace Amid Division

One island and half a century of division. Four people, born at different times in the same city and into different universes, share the same pain: the division of our island, our city, and involuntary relocations. We also share the same passions: a love for the sea, the smell of orange blossoms, and a dedication…

Famagusta Futures:   Towards Ecological and Sustainable Peace

Bugün, Bilkent Kentsel Tasarım ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bölümü (Bilkent  LAUD) öğrencileriyle bir araya geldik. Mağusa’nın tarihini, bölünmüşlüğünü, kent sorunlarını, eski sakinlerinin geri dönme ümitlerine rağmen zaman içinde donmuş ve bir gün karanlık turistlerin ziyaretine açılmış Maraş’ı konuştuk.   Nazik davetleri ve bana  Mağusa’da barışçıl ve sürdürülebilir bir planlamanın, şeffaf olmayan süreçlerle değil, kentin önceki ve…

Cityscapes of feeling: Emotional Engagements and Urban Design

Places pulsate with emotions, memories, and lived experiences. Today, I delved deep into the concept of ‘cityscapes of feeling’—a realm where psychogeography intersects with urban design. I’d like to extend my gratitude to all the participants, including my colleagues and both former and current students from undergraduate to PhD levels, for joining me and posing…

Experiential Learning: Public Interest Design

I am immensely proud to have led such an amazing project, made possible with the guidance of invited Fulbright Specialist Prof. Dr. Charlie Hailey, who facilitated the workshop. The workshop was organized by the ISBE-Center of EMU Faculty of Architecture, emphasizing experiential learning and a constructivist approach. After 8 intense days, 31 students from EMU…

Praxis of Urban Peacebuilding in Famagusta Cyprus

Bogac, C. (2023). Praxis of urban peacebuilding in Famagusta Cyprus . Journal of Urban Research and Development, 4(01), 5–15. Retrieved from https://ojs.emu.edu.tr/index.php/jurd/article/view/447 Abstract Urban design and development have experienced significant changes, shifting away from traditional top-down decision-making methods. This shift has emphasized the importance of community engagement and participatory design, particularly in contested cities. Famagusta, a city…

Visions for the future of Famagusta: Interview with RTL Belgium

It has been a long time since urban design diverged from traditional top-down decision-making approaches and transformed into more inclusive, participatory, and collaborative methods. As a city deeply affected by the ongoing division in Cyprus, Famagusta needs not only physical infrastructure renewal but also a sustainable and ecological peace-memory-narrative infrastructure, where all the actors and…

Platonik yer aşkı: New York üzerine

Boğaç, C. (2022). Platonik Yer Aşkı: New York Üzerine (Platonic Love of Place: On New York). Mimarlık Journal, ISSN 1300-4212, Issue: 428, pp.58.61 Yer aşkının platonik boyutu üzerine kartografik bir ön anlatı kurma amacıyla, yarısı COVID-19 küresel salgınında geçen üç mevsimlik New York kent deneyimi üzerinden bir panorama sunan yazar; mekân-beden ilişkisi, şehirdeki kapital ve sınıf…

2020 Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Akademik Araştırmacı Teşvik Ödülü

Bu yıl yine beni araştırmacı teşvik ödülüne layık gören DAÜ Araştırmalar Danışma Kurulu ve rektörlüğüne teşekkür ederim. Akademik ödül töreninde benimle birlikte bir çok dalda başarı gösteren ve kurumumuzun gelişimine katkı koyan DAÜ’lü akademisyenleri gönülden kutlarım.

Guest lecture on the vision of an eco polis

I was a guest lecturer today at the German University in Cairo. I would like to thank Dr. Covarino for inviting me to share my insights on ecocity and find a chance to negotiate the ecological and sustainability dimensions of tourist cities. Two amazing studios in parallel coordinated by Dr. Silvia Covarino in Egypt and…

Praxis of urban peacebuilding in Famagusta Cyprus

I would like to thank Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology, and organizing committee for inviting me to share my experience and thoughts on urban peace-building. Over 9 years, we tried to generate as a multi-communal movement and to introduce the parameters of establishing a peace infrastructure set forth by the ecocity principles. Our efforts have…

Kum Fırtınası (öykü)

Ceren Boğaç Bakırdan Yıllık edebiyat, kültür, sanat e-dergisi, 4 (2022), Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi, ss.89-91 Kırmızı buz çiçekleri, yeşil kristalleri andıran gövdeleriyle kuşattıkları bodur tepenin üzerinde ışıldarken, Hasan vizörden gözünü kaldırıp çalılığın kumsal ile birleşen yamacına taş örgüsü duvarıyla yaslanmış barın çatısını fark etti. “Kutlama burada olmalı” diye geçirip içinden, hududundaki ormanlık alandan kamufle fakat denizden…

Students meet Advisors- Awards meet Education

Very exciting to be part of growing architecture community: Inspireli awards provide a large laboratory to exercise new ideas and take part in an inclusive virtual education platform. On today’s live talk “Students meet Advisors- Awards meet Education- we had a chance to discuss their projects with amazing future architects. Bugün farklı kıtalardan ve farklı…